I flew home to help heal the wounded heart of a friend. I missed two days of school. And when I came back?
Papers and books were everywhere, my markers/pencils/staplers were missing. I opened my e-mail to find a rambling letter about the atrocious nature of my kids. Disrespectful, wild, chaotic, out of control. All of the lab materials were stolen so the kids couldn't do their work. None of the homework was done. The sub cried. The principal had to be called down TWICE. The teacher next door had to come over and teach them.
To sum up my emotions in one word.... FURIOUS!!!
So, I gave them lunch detention. All 60 of them. For an entire week. No labs. No fun activitites. Just bookwork. Worksheets. No afterschool fun time. No Friday free time. NOTHING.
But here's the thing with torturing kids.... you end up torturing yourself. Lunch detention for a week = I had to sit with their butts for lunch every day.
Worksheets & bookwork= I was bored to tears... but, damn it, I work too damn hard for them to be asses. Sigh.
Hang in there !!!
See what happens when you are not there ? Apparently you are the only one that can keep them in line ! Sheesh--what would they do without you ?
They'll learn soon enough to respect you more-- even when you're gone. WtP
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