Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Air Gerome

We finished shooting off our rockets today, and the kids decided they needed to do acrobatics.

The kids: Miss J. Gerome can jump over people.
Me: What? Like leap frog?
Kids: Yeah, but when you're standing. We're gonna do it.
Me: Um.... that sounds like a terrible idea....
Gerome: I can do it, Miss J! Don't worry!

I wasn't happy....but when Gerome tells me he can do something I know three things.

1. He can.
2. I won't get sued because
3. Gerome's family loves me

So, what did I learn?

I learned that Gerome can, in fact, jump over not just ME..... but 4 people standing, all squished into each other in a line. With no trampoline. EASILY. For those of you who don't know Air Gerome.... he can't be taller than 5." Wearing shoes, I'm about 5'6". The kid's good at EVERYTHING. Ladies love him, smart, confident but not cocky.....always emerges with the basketball like its a baby out of an inferno....

This kid is amazing. My class's explanation:

"Well, he's Filipino. That's why he can jump like that."
"What?! No. That is not it. Gerome's just a super star who stays in shape."
"No, Miss J. It's cuz he's Filipino."
"Okay, so by that logic, the reason you guys don't do your work is 'cuz all Mexicans are lazy?"

They just laugh at me. Gerome doesn't though. Maybe 'cuz he's Filipino. :)

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