Background info:
In my classroom, I allow the students to use the word "crap." They cannot say "this assignment is crap" or "Miss J is a piece of crap," but they can use it as an expletive instead of the more vulgar varieties.
To be more honest, I let them use it because I use the word frequenty. Why? Crap is the perfect word to describe the quality of the mad scribblings I receive. Their assignments may not be crap... but the homework sure is.
Now, to get on to the real story.
My student Edgar and I battle verbally every day. He thinks he's going to outwit me, and gets thrown to the curb every time. Yet, I gotta give the kid credit. He's quite resilient. Plus, its just great to have a kid I can mess with. I don't have to worry about being sensitive or hurting his feelings-- we both know its just for fun. One of today's highlights:
This afternoon, Edgar was walking around with his shirt untucked. Imagine that.
So, I said "Edgar. Your shirt... looks like crap."
Edgar looked back at me with a sneer. "I thought crap was brown."
I let my gaze meet his eyes, and stared him down for a minute.
"Well, I guess your face looks like crap then."
His friends whooped and hollered. Edgar shook his head and tried to hide his laughter. I high fived one of my girls. Miss J 234, Edgar 0.
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