Tuesday, April 04, 2006

More Crankiness

Maaaaaan.... it's just NOT my week. This morning, I had an irate parent come in. She was pretty sure that I'm the reason for All Evil. Good grief. Come on. Are you kidding me? The only time I ruin dreams is when I don't flirt back with the little monsters. But, to single one out and be Intentionally Shitty? No way! I would never do that!

This is the parent of a boy who generally has a great attitude. Friday, however, he had a tantrum. He was throwing pencils at people, calling other students names, and was screaming at me for "getting him into trouble".... uhhh.... I think it's your MOUTH that's doing that, darlin'. Not mine. I bet you can guess which student he's been hanging around lately... Oh yes. The one that said she had her brother stalk me.

The good news? The girl was totally over it by the time class was in session today. Participated all day long, kept making goofy faces at me. Go figure. So, one problem down, 10 million to go.


More later. I'm one sleepy student teacher. Hope your day was better than mine!

1 comment:

HeatherIhn said...

You need to update your bloggg!!! You have waiting fans~