Monday, January 03, 2011

Cue the Queen

And no, I am not talking about feather boas and platform shoes.

I am referring to a tradition our school has been keen on following for the last couple of years....

Problem 1:
Not enough seasoned teachers to go around

Problem 2:
Not enough money to get skilled teachers

Problem 3:
People leave last minute

Hire people who can't cut it because you have no choice.

End result:
Dernt, dernt, dernt...another one bites the dust....

So far we have lost or are losing:
The most incredible, amazing helpful disciplinarian the school has seen, Ms. M
Our snarky and fantastic groundskeeper (district relocated him to another school)
A 4th grade teacher who's health problems make it impossible for her to continue
Two teachers in the 7/8 building-- first year here, probably didn't know what they were in for.

I have this fear that by the end of this year, the school is going to be an apocalyptic wasteland. Worse yet, while we were on the upswing, I predict the cost will be high-- I think many of the people with a few years are going to leave. Mass exodus, leaving the school back again where it was a couple years ago-- with more 1st years than anything else.

It's not going to be pretty.

1 comment:

David King said...

if they don't lose you it's all good