One of my girls dropped out of our school to join another one. A smart girl, one I really liked. She'd gotten out of school suspension (OSS) for 9 days because she was caught drinking vodka out of a water bottle at school. She told on another girl, and then was too afraid to come back-- because the rest of the girls were going to beat her up for being a snitch.
Two of my boys made a bet to see who could "f*** the new slut first." A girl who's new, and pretty, and wears slightly tight clothing and lots of blush but is a good kid. She found out, and humiliated, was sobbing in my class. One of these boys was also caught SMOKING POT AT SCHOOL earlier this week.
Another student got up in my face, like UP IN MY FACE, like an angry dog ready to pounce, yelled at me and wouldn't back down, as I calmly told her she couldn't get under my skin, but that this wasn't the best choice ever. She kept going, challenging me, telling me I should go back to class. GO BACK TO CLASS! GO BACK THERE AND GO TEACH! YOU HAVE A JOB TO DO. Pointing and shouting at me. I won't go to the office, I won't do anything you say. GO DO YOUR JOB! Staring me down, ready to pounce.
Another student said the detention he received for skipping a lesser sentence TWICE was bullshit, and my fault-- even after I wrote him sticky note reminders both times.
I don't yell.
I don't scream.
I try really, really hard to make each new day a fresh start-- to not hold grudges.
I don't let them see when they ruffle my feathers.
I try to give them choices.
But they make me feel like shit.
I am so disappointed in them as human beings.
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