So, not long ago, I watched the movie Hitch. A relatively cute movie, as so far as romantic comedies go. However charming, there was one part that made me massively annoyed. At one point, Eva Mendes's character goes into this frenzy and starts throwing broccoli at Will Smith's character, drinking wine with reckless abandon out of the bottle, and shouting like a rabid banshee.
Why? Because she thinks he's done something terrible. She makes an assumption and runs with it into the land of little white jackets and padded cells. And what does he do? He let's her go nuts, and then ADDS TO THE INSANITY and throws lettuce back at her. Totally sinks to her level. The worst part? Later, he runs after her to prove himself, and realizes, of course, that he loves her and chases her until she caves in. I wanted to punch both of them. Right in their beautiful faces.
Why are we perpetuating this? Why is this behavior seen as okay? Why do we keep allowing this crap to infiltrate our media and poison the minds of our little girls? And our men? I'd say 90% of women, to some degree, do this crap. These are the women that are ruining all the good men out there. This is why our men are commitment-phobic. This is why they're guarded! This is why they're jaded. They're hurt.
These are the harpies that think its okay to be manipulative and crazy, and expect the guy to run after them when they storm off. And 90% of the time... the men do! Thus, perpetuating the bullshit!
Guys? Don't. If Lady acts Crazy, let her GO! She's not worth it. She doesn't respect you. And if you really feel something for her? You really think she's a good woman? Fine. Let her walk away. Don't chase her. Call her on her crap. And if she changes? Wakes up? Apologises? Okay then. Give the gal a second chance. But if she does this again? She's gone. Have some dignity! Self-respect, man!
What should Eva have done? Obviously, she should have just talked to him. Confronted the issue. Had a nice little conversation before jumping to ridiculous conclusions. But she didn't. And most of the women in most movies I've seen do the same nonsense. Its in books, its on the television, its done by our female family members, probably most of our female friends. Even I did some of this crap before I was called on it, made aware. And yeah, I realize that a conversation doesn't make for the best drama, takes away some of the suspense of the film/movie/book whatever... but seriously? Can we not find a better way to create drama than portraying our women as illogical, manipulative, emotional wenches? Please? Because, you know what? Not all of us are. But, what we see, we'll model, unfortunately. And this has become accepted by our society.
It's just not okay.
So, girls, stand up and throw the games to the wind. And men? Don't play into their hands. If you love 'em, put your foot down. Its all about respect!
Another thing?
Not long ago, I read this astounding mass of drivel and wanted to smack my head against the wall a few times. Okay, woman. You know what? We've got some things in common. I'm 25, I'm not terribly hideous, and sure, some security would be nice... but.... could you let me rewrite your entry for you? And then post it not on craigslist but somewhere less sleazy?
In fact, I think I'll do just that.....
Let's see here... ah-hem....
"What am I doing wrong?
I'm tired of beating around the bush. I'm 25, and getting to that point where I worry that I'm never going to find someone that appreciates the insane amount of love I generate. I'm looking to be with a man who loves me despite the fact that I accidentally let food go to waste, leave empty glasses all over the house, and have to have every shirt in my closet facing the same direction.
I believe that my man should have his independence, his own friends, his own interests. I believe that beer with the buddies is a good thing just like I believe girls night is also a necessity. I believe in giving both loads of teasing and unconditional love. I believe that communication is incredibly important, but asking permission to do what you want is silly. I believe in a team, a partnership, a best friend who gets my heart too.
Are there any men out there, men not terrified of commitment? Not burnt so many times that they've just given up? Men that work hard but have the time to make their significant others feel important and cherished? Men that realize time is more important than money, and a handmade card is more precious than a string of pearls? Wives, where did you meet them? More importantly, how did you keep them? How do you convince them that you won't hurt them? That you're not one of the masses who storm off and break their hearts? That you can be trusted?
I'm just a girl who wants to spoil someone instead of being spoiled. I know where the Goonies was filmed, and the original skin color of Nick Fury. I can quote Monty Python and know all the words to the Kiss Destroyer album. I sing Disney songs to cheer myself up, bowl like an idiot, and find joy in the small things. I love action movies, The Office, giving massages and surprising people with picnics and treasure hunts. I enjoy the artistry of makeup, but will run outside when it starts raining without a second thought. I enjoy camping, hiking, biking. I love wrestling with dogs and getting over my fears. I make a mean lemon meringue pie and the best potato salad you'll ever taste. I push myself. I'm a workaholic. I am constantly learning, changing, evolving. I go to fancy restaurants, shopping centers, movie theatres, and yes, even the gym...all my myself.
I don't need you.
I am fine all by my kick-ass self.
But having a high-quality man in my life sure would be a lot of fun."
The End.
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