Wednesday, March 03, 2010


Part I

Me: (whispering) Josh, dude. Finish your test.
Josh: But....
Me: Seriously!
Josh sits there.
I draw a frowny face on his arm.

Josh: Are you allowed to do that?
Me: Yes. And I'm going to draw a unibrow on you next.
Josh: Fine...fine....

30 minutes later.
Josh is done with his test, and is rocking a logic puzzle with his partner.

Me: Here you go. (reaches out arm) Retaliate.
Josh: I can write on you?!
Me: Yep.
Josh: Does this have to be school appropriate or Miss J appropriate?
Me: (There's a difference?) Miss J at school appropriate.

My arm: I think Silver is sexy.
Me: Ohh, you're right. My bracelet is awesome. See, it says dream, explore...
Josh: That's SO NOT WHAT I MEANT. God, you kill everything.

Part II:

Maria: Miss J. There is an element missing on the periodic table.
Me: What?
Maria: Right next to Silver, it should say Jerlinium.


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