Monday, March 06, 2006

Gimme an A

So, check this out.

There's a position opening up at the school I'm currently student teaching at. 7/8th grade science. When I first heard, I wasn't clicking my heels or doing a fancy jig out of excitement. Being stuck in this armpit of a city for years longer just didn't appeal to me. But then I got to thinking... I wouldn't have to teach math. Or grammar. Or spelling. Just lovely, lovely science. Biology and physics. Cuttin' up froggies and plummeting eggs. How great would that be? Even better yet-- I'd get to have my kids again!

My kids, for the record, are totally awesome. Little punks, for sure. But I happen to like them that way. They understand sarcasm. They'll tell you if your hair is sticking up all over the place. And they're totally willing to make fools out of themselves in front of the class. Just like me!

My cooperating teacher says I have a good chance at getting the job, she even introduced me to the superintendent today, who referred to me as being "highly qualified." He also later referred to me as being "really cute." Hmmm... is that bad?

So, the potential problem? There's a catch. Of course there's a catch! There's always a catch.
The science teacher, apart from teaching kids how to massacre small, preserved beasties, also had a coaching duty....

Woaahhhh Nelly. Coach? I know, I know. "Coach WHAT?" you're thinking. I hear you. I'm not the athletic type. I'll run to catch the ice cream truck, but that's about as far as it goes.

They don't want me to coach speech (which I actually could do), or football (which would just be hilarious).... but....

... you ready for this?


Oh yeah.

Me. The girl who petitioned her mom to let her stay home sick on Spirit Day. The marginally p-oed feminist type. Can you even imagine? And as much as I'm NOT athletically inclined, I'd rather be on the field doing something than cheering like some floozy on the sidelines.

Hell, isn't it enough that people actually go to the games and cheer the athletes on? What do they even need cheerleaders for? They've got masses of friends and family of both sexes! Doesn't that say enough? They've got people filling up the stands, meanwhile, I can count on one hand the number of times I've heard:

"Hey, you were awesome at the band concert. You had a totally wicked solo on that bassoon, dude."

Well, okay. So, I've never actually heard anyone say that exactly. But you know what I mean. *sigh*

Some females get annoyed at the inequality of it all, but that's not the case with me. If some hot studs started cheering me on, I'd probably give them the Death Glare, or punch them in the gonads. I'm always up for a good gonad punching. Who do they think they are, checking me out like that? Bunch of perverts.

So, back to the subject at hand. Do I love this school? Yes. Am I a rather bouncy individual? Yes. Would I look wickedly sexy with a pair of pom-poms in my hands? Well, yeah, probably. But could I really bring myself to do it?

I don't know. I'm okay with being a cheerleader for all students (sans pigtails and frosty pink lipstick)... woo-hooing them when they get the right answer, and such... but to condone extra flirtation between an already hormonal bunch? I'm just not sure I want to get tangled up in that.

If I had to do it, I guess I could suck it up. And, while I have no experience with these things, I think... how hard could it be? After all, what do teachers hear all day?

"Gimme an A!"
"Gimme a B!"
"Gimme an A"
"How's that spelled?"

Aww yeah. I'm gonna be a natural.

1 comment:

HeatherIhn said...

oh...My...GOSH. I was laughing sooooo hard, you don't even know. A cheerleader??? AHhhhahahaha, although you would surely make a really cute cheerleader I can sense that you have the same attitude as me about that stuff.

I hope it goes well!!! You'll have fun I know it. :)